pikesaku’s blog




# msfconsole --help
Usage: msfconsole [options]

Common options:
    -E, --environment ENVIRONMENT    Set Rails environment, defaults to RAIL_ENV environment variable or 'production'

Database options:
    -M, --migration-path DIRECTORY   Specify a directory containing additional DB migrations
    -n, --no-database                Disable database support
    -y, --yaml PATH                  Specify a YAML file containing database settings

Framework options:
    -c FILE                          Load the specified configuration file
    -v, -V, --version                Show version

Module options:
        --defer-module-loads         Defer module loading unless explicitly asked.
    -m, --module-path DIRECTORY      Load an additional module path

Console options:
    -a, --ask                        Ask before exiting Metasploit or accept 'exit -y'
    -H, --history-file FILE          Save command history to the specified file
    -L, --real-readline              Use the system Readline library instead of RbReadline
    -o, --output FILE                Output to the specified file
    -p, --plugin PLUGIN              Load a plugin on startup
    -q, --quiet                      Do not print the banner on startup
    -r, --resource FILE              Execute the specified resource file (- for stdin)
    -x, --execute-command COMMAND    Execute the specified console commands (use ; for multiples)
    -h, --help                       Show this message




msf > help
Core Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    ?             Help menu
    banner        Display an awesome metasploit banner
    cd            Change the current working directory
    color         Toggle color
    connect       Communicate with a host
    exit          Exit the console
    get           Gets the value of a context-specific variable
    getg          Gets the value of a global variable
    grep          Grep the output of another command
    help          Help menu
    history       Show command history
    irb           Drop into irb scripting mode
    load          Load a framework plugin
    quit          Exit the console
    route         Route traffic through a session
    save          Saves the active datastores
    sessions      Dump session listings and display information about sessions
    set           Sets a context-specific variable to a value
    setg          Sets a global variable to a value
    sleep         Do nothing for the specified number of seconds
    spool         Write console output into a file as well the screen
    threads       View and manipulate background threads
    unload        Unload a framework plugin
    unset         Unsets one or more context-specific variables
    unsetg        Unsets one or more global variables
    version       Show the framework and console library version numbers

Module Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    advanced      Displays advanced options for one or more modules
    back          Move back from the current context
    info          Displays information about one or more modules
    loadpath      Searches for and loads modules from a path
    options       Displays global options or for one or more modules
    popm          Pops the latest module off the stack and makes it active
    previous      Sets the previously loaded module as the current module
    pushm         Pushes the active or list of modules onto the module stack
    reload_all    Reloads all modules from all defined module paths
    search        Searches module names and descriptions
    show          Displays modules of a given type, or all modules
    use           Selects a module by name

Job Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    handler       Start a payload handler as job
    jobs          Displays and manages jobs
    kill          Kill a job
    rename_job    Rename a job

Resource Script Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    makerc        Save commands entered since start to a file
    resource      Run the commands stored in a file

Developer Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    edit          Edit the current module or a file with the preferred editor
    log           Displays framework.log starting at the bottom if possible
    reload_lib    Reload one or more library files from specified paths

Database Backend Commands

    Command           Description
    -------           -----------
    db_connect        Connect to an existing database
    db_disconnect     Disconnect from the current database instance
    db_export         Export a file containing the contents of the database
    db_import         Import a scan result file (filetype will be auto-detected)
    db_nmap           Executes nmap and records the output automatically
    db_rebuild_cache  Rebuilds the database-stored module cache
    db_status         Show the current database status
    hosts             List all hosts in the database
    loot              List all loot in the database
    notes             List all notes in the database
    services          List all services in the database
    vulns             List all vulnerabilities in the database
    workspace         Switch between database workspaces

Credentials Backend Commands

    Command       Description
    -------       -----------
    creds         List all credentials in the database

msf > 




msf > help grep
Usage: grep [options] pattern cmd

Grep the results of a console command (similar to Linux grep command)


    -A <opt>  Show arg lines of output after a match.
    -B <opt>  Show arg lines of output before a match.
    -C <opt>  Show arg lines of output around a match.
    -c        Only print a count of matching lines.
    -h        Help banner.
    -i        Ignore case.
    -k <opt>  Keep (include) arg lines at start of output.
    -m <opt>  Stop after arg matches.
    -s <opt>  Skip arg lines of output before attempting match.
    -v        Invert match.

msf > 



例) apacheでAuxiliaryモジュールを探す時

msf > grep "exploit.*excellent" search apache
   exploit/linux/http/apache_continuum_cmd_exec                2016-04-06       excellent  Apache Continuum Arbitrary Command Execution
   exploit/linux/http/apache_couchdb_cmd_exec                  2016-04-06       excellent  Apache CouchDB Arbitrary Command Execution
   exploit/linux/http/atutor_filemanager_traversal             2016-03-01       excellent  ATutor 2.2.1 Directory Traversal / Remote Code Execution
   exploit/linux/http/hadoop_unauth_exec                       2016-10-19       excellent  Hadoop YARN ResourceManager Unauthenticated Command Execution
   exploit/linux/http/piranha_passwd_exec                      2000-04-04       excellent  RedHat Piranha Virtual Server Package passwd.php3 Arbitrary Command Execution
   exploit/linux/http/symantec_web_gateway_lfi                 2012-05-17       excellent  Symantec Web Gateway relfile File Inclusion Vulnerability
   exploit/linux/local/kloxo_lxsuexec                          2012-09-18       excellent  Kloxo Local Privilege Escalation
   exploit/multi/http/apache_activemq_upload_jsp               2016-06-01       excellent  ActiveMQ web shell upload
   exploit/multi/http/apache_mod_cgi_bash_env_exec             2014-09-24       excellent  Apache mod_cgi Bash Environment Variable Code Injection (Shellshock)
   exploit/multi/http/apache_roller_ognl_injection             2013-10-31       excellent  Apache Roller OGNL Injection
   exploit/multi/http/sonicwall_scrutinizer_methoddetail_sqli  2014-07-24       excellent  Dell SonicWALL Scrutinizer 11.01 methodDetail SQL Injection
   exploit/multi/http/struts2_code_exec_showcase               2017-07-07       excellent  Apache Struts 2 Struts 1 Plugin Showcase OGNL Code Execution
   exploit/multi/http/struts2_content_type_ognl                2017-03-07       excellent  Apache Struts Jakarta Multipart Parser OGNL Injection
   exploit/multi/http/struts2_rest_xstream                     2017-09-05       excellent  Apache Struts 2 REST Plugin XStream RCE
   exploit/multi/http/struts_code_exec_exception_delegator     2012-01-06       excellent  Apache Struts Remote Command Execution
   exploit/multi/http/struts_code_exec_parameters              2011-10-01       excellent  Apache Struts ParametersInterceptor Remote Code Execution
   exploit/multi/http/struts_default_action_mapper             2013-07-02       excellent  Apache Struts 2 DefaultActionMapper Prefixes OGNL Code Execution
   exploit/multi/http/struts_dev_mode                          2012-01-06       excellent  Apache Struts 2 Developer Mode OGNL Execution
   exploit/multi/http/struts_dmi_exec                          2016-04-27       excellent  Apache Struts Dynamic Method Invocation Remote Code Execution
   exploit/multi/http/struts_dmi_rest_exec                     2016-06-01       excellent  Apache Struts REST Plugin With Dynamic Method Invocation Remote Code Execution
   exploit/multi/http/tomcat_jsp_upload_bypass                 2017-10-03       excellent  Tomcat RCE via JSP Upload Bypass
   exploit/multi/http/tomcat_mgr_deploy                        2009-11-09       excellent  Apache Tomcat Manager Application Deployer Authenticated Code Execution
   exploit/multi/http/tomcat_mgr_upload                        2009-11-09       excellent  Apache Tomcat Manager Authenticated Upload Code Execution
   exploit/multi/misc/openoffice_document_macro                2017-02-08       excellent  Apache OpenOffice Text Document Malicious Macro Execution
   exploit/unix/http/contentkeeperweb_mimencode                2009-02-25       excellent  ContentKeeper Web Remote Command Execution
   exploit/unix/misc/spamassassin_exec                         2006-06-06       excellent  SpamAssassin spamd Remote Command Execution
   exploit/unix/webapp/projectpier_upload_exec                 2012-10-08       excellent  Project Pier Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability
   exploit/unix/webapp/spip_connect_exec                       2012-07-04       excellent  SPIP connect Parameter PHP Injection
   exploit/windows/misc/ibm_websphere_java_deserialize         2015-11-06       excellent  IBM WebSphere RCE Java Deserialization Vulnerability
msf > 



Metasploit: Formatting msfconsole output


msfconsole -q -x "show; quit" -o all_modules.listmsfconsole -q -x "show; quit" -o all_modules.list